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Dewey Kincade: Vocals, guitars and piano
Jeff Faith: Upright Bass
Steve Sizemore: Percussion


When your one tool is shattered at your feet,
And the castle walls dissolve,
Your mind is stripped and broken by defeat,
There's no mystery for you to solve,
You cry out in shock out to the desperate hills,
But no voice ever returns,
Just silence from the night so still,
Tearing through all you have learned.

It's that final step you hesitate to take,
The final word you can't speak,
You've reached that point where you can't make mistakes,
You're cast out in the darkness like a freak,
You can howl and scream but it's part of the same dream,
That you can't penetrate,
You can jump around but you still can't tear it down,
Then all you know is the timeless wait.

It's the magic words you can't seem to recall,
That eliminate the sting,
You feel so old- just like you've seen it all,
When you haven't even seen a thing,
And you fall again far away from yourself,
But you never seem to land,
You've lost the map that leads you back to help,
Back to something you can understand.

I was there once, never thought I'd make it through,
It happened when was I was still a kid,
Never thought that I was strong enough to win,
I'm not sure I ever did.